"Is this a dagger which I see before me..."

These things then become daggers. It's like a self-inflicted wound that just never heals because, like every little boy, I love to pick at it. Scars be d****d!
So what are these daggers, these happy daggers? Drum roll please.....
I love me some dvds and movies, yo!
I'm addicted to two things in particular as of late. I'm watching all my DVD tv shows back to back every chance I get. The are (in no particular order but alphabetical): Coupling, Scrubs and Sports Night.
Coupling: It's like Friends but way better. *winces at potentially heretical statement.* No, seriously. It's hilarious and it can get away with so much brutally honest talk since it's British. It's witty and well written, and shockingly hilarious to boot.
Scrubs: Just dang funny. Hilarious slapstick and and expert knowledge of well-orchestrated music montages.
Sports Night: This is the coup de grace for me. I'm a friggin huge Aaron Sorkin fan. For those who are unaware of the Sorkin genius. His biggest acclaim is writing and creating The West Wing, but he wrote A Few Good Men, The American President and he's about to launch a new show this Fall called Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. It's fast, it's witty, it's genius in the writing, and you completely fall in love with the charaters. You really feel like you're apart of the world before you.
So, as you can see, I get completely wrapped up in the hubub of watching these discs over and over and over again. And I do it in the middle of the day sometimes.
So talk to me people.....what prevents you from doing the best you can in life? What's your bane? Video games? Food? Music? The outdoors?
Chat me up, kiddos.
you need to add Arrested Development to your list, man!
http://www.fox.com/arresteddev/ GO HERE...NOW!!!
You know I'm counting down until the fall when Studio 60 starts. It's perfect timing since the West Wing is ending. What happened to you burning those Sports Night dvds for me? haha j/k I REALLY need to get those though, or else I'm not a true Sorkinist. Hope things are well.
"I drink from the keg of glory Donna, bring me all the muffins and bagels of the land."
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